Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Cyclists, Be Seen or Die.

This time of year the evenings are dark when driving home from work. One stretch of road called zzz from Windsor to Ascot is very dark. On one side is a forest and on the other is a farmers field. There are no street lights and the cats eyes are missing.

One day last week while driving down this road oncoming cars were steering on to my side of the road obviously trying to avoid something. It was only when I passed that I noticed a cyclist, dressed in black with no lights on. They were almost invisible.

A few days later and the same thing, oncoming cars were steering on to my side of the road but this time they were driving around a car with its lights on.

It was only when I drew level with the car that I noticed, in the beam of the lights, a dark shape on the floor. The shape of a body.

Now, I'm not saying that they deserved getting knocked down but they must have been mentally ill or have a death wish. Not only that but there's a footpath on that side of the road so why not use it if you haven't got any lights?

I feel sorry for the poor bugger who hit them.

What do you think?

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