Saturday 25 May 2013

Paris: Walking the Sights

Today we travelled to Paris by train and Metro. We didn't have much of a plan only to first see the Eiffel Tower. We then followed the River Seine to other sites including the Champs Elysees and Concorde Plaza followed by a walk through the Tuileries Gardens to the Royal Palace of the Louvre. We then crossed the Seine by the Pont du Carrousel bridge where all along the sides of the bridge are thousands of padlocks. The lock is a symbol of your undying love for each other and your supposed to attach the lock to the bridge and throw the key into the river.

At the time we didn't know about this bridge and its lock tradition. For us it was a way to cross the river. As we walked towards the bridge for a while we couldn't figure out why street sellers were selling padlocks. Not a ideal business idea. I mean no-one is going to have a need to lock their luggage in the middle of a city. These guys should be hanging around airports.

Our last destination was Notre-Dame Cathedral which is free to enter but by this time our feet just wanted to take us back to Herman.

This evening I had a look at Herman's radiator, the part where it has come loose. It appears to simply slot in at the bottom. I don't think there is anything to worry about.

The weather was pretty good today. The only time it rained was while we were walking through the Tuileries Gardens.

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