Saturday 21 January 2012

Skyrim: The Hangover is Over

That drinking game which I mentioned a few posts ago has sent me all over the place finding out what happened, which includes stealing goats, getting engaged and loosing the ring. Finally, I've got the staff [Click here to see a walk through] which I think is going to be really cool during combat.

I've recently had a run in with a castle load (slight exaggeration there) of mages. After a few failed attempts of running in and trying to wipe them out (it only takes a couple of swords swipe to down a mage) I decided to try an entirely different strategy. The problem with mages is that they might not have any armour but they can really fire off a lot of fireballs and ice missiles and getting close with a sword is tricky while a jet of fire and ice is blocking your vision and depleting your health.

My normal approach starts off by killing one from a distance using the bow but this alerted the rest of them in the castle which always ended in my death. I got close to killing them all a few times but I was always left was a powerful ice mage who would launch a massive (the size of a car) ice ball which slowed me down and then simply finished me off with ice missiles.
A mage using a shock spell

So, with a dwarven dagger and I thought that maybe I could sneak up behind each mage in turn and coup-de-grace them and reduce the odds. This worked out superbly and I only had two left which included the powerful ice-mage (she's got to be the boss mage). The problem with these two were that they were facing me and up a flight of steps and therefore I couldn't sneak up behind them without them spotting me. Instead, I quaff an invisibility potion, walk up to the ice boss mage, who is sitting on a throne, and cut him and the other mage down. Simples.

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